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Alt 07.12.10, 13:34
WandererMann WandererMann ist offline
frisch dabei
Registriert seit: 12/2010
Ort: Berlin
Beiträge: 2
OS: Windows XP
Kreativ-Software: 10.0
WandererMann geht den richtigen Weg
Unhappy ...problem to open one file


Yesterday I did save some file with photoshop like I always do it. Today when I try to open it come this mistake: "could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document"

What can be?


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Alt 07.12.10, 14:14
Benutzerbild von heikehk
heikehk heikehk ist offline
Registriert seit: 07/2005
Ort: Hessen -> Bayern, Augsburg
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OS: OS X Mavericks / Yosemite
Kreativ-Software: Creative Suite CS 4,5,6,CC
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Hi Wandererman,

Maybe your File is damaged.
Do you have a copy of it?
In which Format did you save it?
If its not too big you can post it here using the "Bildupload" so others can try to open it.

welcome to

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Alt 07.12.10, 17:11
WandererMann WandererMann ist offline
frisch dabei
Registriert seit: 12/2010
Ort: Berlin
Beiträge: 2
OS: Windows XP
Kreativ-Software: 10.0
WandererMann geht den richtigen Weg
Arrow ...psd it works; it seem that it was a problem with the name; I did call it "Fig.1", and it seem that the dot before the 1. Now with a different name, without dot and adding .psd and the end, it works normal.


Schönen Abend
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Alt 07.12.10, 17:39
Benutzerbild von heikehk
heikehk heikehk ist offline
Registriert seit: 07/2005
Ort: Hessen -> Bayern, Augsburg
Beiträge: 30.973
OS: OS X Mavericks / Yosemite
Kreativ-Software: Creative Suite CS 4,5,6,CC
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Oh thats great.
nothing is more embarrassing than loosing work.
Have fun an don´t hesitate to ask questions

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