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Alt 06.04.08, 12:45
Sarosa Sarosa ist offline
frisch dabei
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Sarosa geht den richtigen Weg
Need help - for smoothen lines of a calligraphy

Hi, I need urgent help. I have a picture of a calligraphy for a webpage. As I need only the writing, I deleted the background to get a transparent background. The result is that the lines of the letters are fuzzy, not smooth anymore. What can I do? Thanks for your help. Sarosa
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Alt 06.04.08, 13:53
Benutzerbild von Ylloh
Ylloh Ylloh ist offline
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Its a problem with transparent GIF-formats. All semi-transparent pixels will be with a whiote bachground, so youll always see them.

Only PNG will support smooth edges, because of semi-transparent pixels. But IE 5 and 6 dont support PNG very good.

You can also set the Background of the GIF to the Background of the webpage.

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Alt 06.04.08, 21:21
Benutzerbild von phoenix
phoenix phoenix ist offline
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Hello Sarosa
and welcome to the Photoshop-Cafe.

You can post the picture here. That´s allways the best to see what we can do with your picture.

Kindly regards,

design oder nicht sein

"So, we’ve got a full pot of coffee, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark out, and we’re coding. Hit it." - Synthesoft
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Alt 07.04.08, 21:38
Benutzerbild von heikehk
heikehk heikehk ist offline
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Hello Sarosa,

you will find a clever answer to the Problem with PNG and Transparency in IE 5 and upwards by following this link:

I used this a few days ago on one of my Websites and it works. As long as you use CSS in your site its very easy to integrate.

best wishes,
hope it helps

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