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Alt 18.07.16, 09:59
woldoo woldoo ist offline
frisch dabei
Registriert seit: 03/2009
Beiträge: 10
Kreativ-Software: Elements 9
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Eigene Effekte in PSE 14 einbetten

Hallo, ich habe mir vor langer Zeit eigene Effekte erstellt und diese immer in die neueren Versionen von PSE (bis Version 12) implementiert. Bei PSE 14 schaffe ich das nicht. Ich habe gesehen, dass PSE14 noch eine XML bei den Effekten hat. Ich habe die auf mein Effekt umgeschrieben. Es funktioniert trotzdem nicht

Kann mir jemand einen Tipp geben wie ich es schaffe?

Vielen Dank vorab

Anleitung mit er ich bislang die Effekte einbinden konnte:

Creations\Photo Effects
Windows XP – Photoshop Elements 10:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\10.0\Photo
Creations\Photo Effects
Mac – Photoshop Elements 9:
Finder\Library\Application Support\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\9.0\Photo Creations\Photo Effects
Mac – Photoshop Elements 10:
Finder\Library\Application Support\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\10.0\Photo Creations\Photo Effects
STEP THREE: Rename Mediadatabase.db3 File:
Next, locate and rename the Mediadatabse.db3 file to MediadatabseOLD.db3. Restart PSE, and the
progress bar or a message saying that PSE is rebuilding Content and Effects. PSE will open very slowly
the first time after renaming this file. After verifying that the action has installed correctly, you can then
delete MediadatabseOLD.db3.
Vista/Windows 7:
C:\Program Data\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\x.0\Locale\en_US
Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\x.0\Locale\en_US
Finder\Library\Application Support\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\x.0\Locale\en_US
x = in the path above represents your version (9 or 10) of Photoshop Elements.
1. Make sure PSE is closed.
2. Copy to content of the PSE9 and 10 folder according to the instructions above.
3. Rename the MediaDatabase.DB3 file according to the instructions above.
4. Open PSE and then open an image. Look at the Effects Palette (right-hand side of the screen) or
Windows > Effects.
5. Click on the Layer Styles button (2nd from the left under the word effects) to reset the palette.
6. Click on the Photo Effects button (3rd from left under the word Effects). In the drop down menu list to
the right of this button, select “KDD Actions”.
7. Click on the Properties icon to the right of the word “Effects” that has a 2 arrow heads on it. Click on
Show Names in the resulting menu.
8. You should see the action and icon. Look for a thumbnail that looks like the PNG that you copied along
with the action. If you don’t see it, click on the Filters button (first button just left under the word Effects).
Then, click again on the Photo Effects button.
9. To run the action, double click on the action thumbnail in the Effects Palette.
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2 von 5 10.12.2012 16:29
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